On 23/04/17 23:25, chiasa....@web.de wrote:


my squid.conf looks like that:

https_port 3128 accel cert=/cert.pem key=/cert.key

defaultsite=ww1.example.com vhost

acl server20_domains dstdomain ww1.example.com ww2.example.com

http_access allow server20_domains

cache_peer server20 parent 443 0 no-query originserver name=server20

login=PASSTHRU ssl sslversion=6

cache_peer_access server20 allow server20_domains

cache_peer_access server20 deny all

The idea was to send ww1 and ww2 to server20 which is hosting an apache

webservice for both sites.

That looks fine.

You can see that approximately after 5s the timeout happens. Is it a message

to worry about? (it is just "info" labled) Why does it occur?

Unknown. This is an Apache problem. The Squid portion of things appears to be working if I'm reading that weird access.log correctly.

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