Am Sonntag, 23. April 2017, 17:57:52 CEST schrieb Amos Jeffries:
> On 23/04/17 23:25, wrote:
> > Hello
> > 
> > my squid.conf looks like that:
> > 
> > https_port 3128 accel cert=/cert.pem key=/cert.key
> > 
> > vhost
> > 
> > acl server20_domains dstdomain
> > 
> > http_access allow server20_domains
> > 
> > cache_peer server20 parent 443 0 no-query originserver name=server20
> > 
> > login=PASSTHRU ssl sslversion=6
> > 
> > cache_peer_access server20 allow server20_domains
> > 
> > cache_peer_access server20 deny all
> > 
> > The idea was to send ww1 and ww2 to server20 which is hosting an apache
> > 
> > webservice for both sites.
> That looks fine.
> > You can see that approximately after 5s the timeout happens. Is it a
> > message
> > 
> > to worry about? (it is just "info" labled) Why does it occur?
> Unknown. This is an Apache problem. The Squid portion of things appears
> to be working if I'm reading that weird  access.log correctly.
> Amos

Acutally it's not. The problem seemed to be the 
server_persistent_connections setting in squid.conf.
By default set to on it tries to keep the cache_peer connection. Apache on the 
other site hit the KeepAliveTimeout which was set to 5 seconds by default.
server_persistent_connections off in squid.conf

It set server_persistent_connections to off and the problem disappeared.
Is there any downside of this setting?


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