Henrik Nordstrom schrieb:

> > > Have you tried the alternatives listed in the Squid FAQ for Linux?
> >
> > No because I thought this would be the right list.
> It is the correct list for Squid related issues, but as most support
> type mailinglists this list has a FAQ document describing common Squid
> issues people find and their solutions.
> Now to the hard facts: If you do not care to read the FAQ and 

Sorry, sorry this was an translation mistake.
As I am new to the list I thought you asked me if I
have tried the other mailing-lists too, but you asked me
if I looked to the faqs and tried the advices their too!

Of course I have - first for example I checked memory:

I have given squid 512Mb RAM.
The machine has 1,5Gb RAM, and as squid can use 20GB Cache
on the disk(10GB Raid0 on two jfs-formated partitions) this
will result to the following formula:
(512Mb+(20*10Mb)+20Mb)*2=1464Mb recommended for the machine

Although I have no problem with filedescriptors (nothing in
the log-files) I compiled squid with 2048 filedescriptors,
and I did all the things with unlimit an so on - but
no change.

"Squid 2 performs badly on Linux"
Of course I know the answer - sorry no change without
async-io. I also tried the original squid-rpm coming with
redhat - no change !

Perhaps I didn't see something in the faqs what is important
to me, because I didn't recognized its value for me?
but I have read the faq once, twice, .... hundred times.

I read a lot before I desided to write to a mailing-list
because as a non native english-speaker it is always much
easier for me to read something in english than to write,
and if I write, this is always a sign for great despair.

As I wrote in my first mail I use an old squid.conf
which worked fine with squid2.3Stable7 on Mandrake7.2
(this box had only 1GB RAM)
As of internal change in the network, I descided to
use an Redhat 8.0 machine for squid now.
(Mandrake7.2 -->2.2.20 and therefor no iptables)
Now everything works fine as long we don't use IE5.5
or IE6 under windows.
(perhaps there is a problem with gcc3.2 - but why
will this problem only accure if we use IE?).

thanks very much for our answer and the time you
spend on it !


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