
> Have any one ever put together squid with multiple NICS?
yes, i had, but i don't use currently, just one.

> In other words, under very stress enviroment, does it use all 2 or more nic
> cards at the smae time?
i tryed it wit 2 NICs: a client side and an Internet side.
But the network admins doesn't like it... :)

> Currently, I have been able to run my squid devel 3 over 160 req/sec.
My Squid has ~800 req/sec with 1 NIC.

Machine is a PIII-500 proc., with 512 MB RAM, and 2x9 GB SCSI
disks. OS is a FreeBSD 4.7, Squid is 2.5S1

There is no problem...

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