> Then get a stacktrace of the crashes and send these to 
> SmartFilter, asking why Squid crashes in this manner when 
> using their software. It may be a SmartFilter bug or a Squid 
> bug, but it is impossible without knowing the internals of 
> how SmartFilter modifies Squid, and only SmartFilter knows this.
As I stated (not very clearly) I have had no success in getting a core
dump from squid 2.5.  I have (before Robert's suggestion and since to
make sure I hadn't missed anything) read the FAQ section on core dumps
and debugging.  I am considering running in debug mode for a while, but
this _is_ a produciton server and I don't want to impact any further on
my users.

> Please note that you may be in violation to the GPL license 
> when you use binary only modules or otherwise non-GPL 
> licensed software linked into a GPL product like Squid. I 
> suggest you read the GPL license and the SmartFilter license 
> very carefully to determine if you are allowed to use Squid 
> with the SmartFilter software.
Please again read the sentence quoted below:

> > SmartFilter integrates with squid by patching several 
> source files to 
> > redirect the URL to itself (rather than using the standard 
> redirector
> > interface,) by adding a couple of lines to squid.conf and 
> by adding a 
> > couple of fields to access.log.
To be abosolutely blitheringly plain and obvious, the only taint to the
squid code is as patches to the source.  There are _NO_ binary patches.
_NO_ binaries are linked into squid without being distributed as source
code.  SmartFilter includes some _external_ binaries which are called by
squid in much the same way as a redirector.  Are you suggesting that
squid calling a non-GPL binary is a violation of GPL?

There are at least 2 other readers of this list (I am in communication
with 2) who are getting _precisely_ the same errors (either a seg
violation or the particular assert failure in store_client.c.)  We
_know_ it is Secure Computing's problem.  We are trying to get enough
info to force them to fix the damn problem, but it is a little difficult
when we aren't familiar enough with the squid source to work out what is
happening and we are commiunicating via email with a moving target of
help desk people who often don't appear to talk to each other.  :-(

In at least one case they have said that nobody else has reported the
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