On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 10:03, Lightfoot.Michael wrote:

> As I stated (not very clearly) I have had no success in getting a core
> dump from squid 2.5.  I have (before Robert's suggestion and since to
> make sure I hadn't missed anything) read the FAQ section on core dumps
> and debugging.  I am considering running in debug mode for a while, but
> this _is_ a produciton server and I don't want to impact any further on
> my users.

Something you might try:
build a unpatched squid-2.5 with a *different* prefix (configure

give it an used port (say 3140 :}).

ensure your ulimits etc and any solaris requirements for getting a core
are theoretically correct.

run it with -N.

now, use kill -SIGSEGV <pid of this test squid>

that should cause a core file to be generated. And if it doesn't, it
will let you experiment without impacting your users to find out how to
get a core on solaris.


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