It seems that you OS have support up to 12288 file
but you have not started squid with more than 1024
file des.. so you will have to kill the squid process
and then you will restart it with command like that.

ulimit -HSn 2048 or more than that. 

and than start squid 

Best Regards,
Masood Ahmad Shah
System Administrator
Fibre Net 
Cell #   923004277367

--- Jeff Donovan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Silly me , i found a part in the  FAQ-11.4
> FreeBSD
> by Torsten Sturm
> How do I check my maximum filedescriptors?
> Do sysctl -a and look for the value of
> kern.maxfilesperproc .
> How do I increase them?
> sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=XXXX
>          sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=XXXX
> Warning : You probably want maxfiles >
> maxfilesperproc if you're going 
> to be pushing the limit.
> What is the upper limit?
> I don't think there is a formal upper limit inside
> the kernel. All the 
> data structures are dynamically allocated.  In
> practice there might be 
> unintended metaphenomena (kernel spending too much
> time searching 
> tables, for example).
> ####Here is my kernel output: i would assume i could
> increase the 
> maxproc and the maxfiles.
> [squidx:~] root# sysctl -a | more
> kern.ostype = Darwin
> kern.osrelease = 6.4
> kern.osrevision = 199506
> kern.version = Darwin Kernel Version 6.4:
> Wed Jan 29 18:50:42 PST 2003;
> root:xnu/xnu-344.26.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC
> kern.maxvnodes = 33584
> kern.maxproc = 2048
> kern.maxfiles = 12288
> ####any suggestions on how much to increase this by?
> kern.argmax = 65536
> kern.securelevel = 1
> kern.hostname = squidx
> kern.hostid = 3223847169
> kern.clockrate: hz = 100, tick = 10000, profhz =
> 100, stathz = 100
> kern.posix1version = 198808
> kern.ngroups = 16
> kern.job_control = 1
> kern.saved_ids = 0
> kern.boottime = Sat Mar 22 19:52:28 2003
> {snip}--not relative
> On Monday, March 24, 2003, at 10:19 AM, Marc Elsen
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Jeff Donovan wrote:
> >>
> >>   parsehttpRequest ; requestheader contains NULL
> characters
> >> ClientReadRequest : FD {somenumber} Invalid
> request
> >> WARNING! Your cache is running out of
> filedescriptors
> >
> >  Unless someone would launch some kind of denial
> of service
> >  attack against your squid. The 2 lines are
> normally unrelated
> >  to the out of file desc. problem.
> >  Check access.log to see which kind of requests
> are being processed
> >  by squid during the time of these error(s).
> >
> >  However you may need to increase the available no
> of file descriptors.
> >  I do not know how to do this on OSX however.
> >
> >
> >  M.

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