I am new to Squid and I'd like to use it as a simple cache proxy server for web browsing.

We use a Sonicwall appliance for firewalling, and we'd like to use the "Proxy Web Server" option of Sonicwall.

This option performs automatic proxy forwarding of all web requests coming from the lan (internal) interface of the Sonicwall. Users in the lan will use proxy without configuring their browser, because the Sonicwall automatically forwards packets to the proxy.

The Squid proxy is currently located on the DMZ, but can be located anywhere outside the lan.

Now the problem:

Defining the Squid proxy in the "Proxy Web Server" field of the Sonicwall, Squid always returns "Invalid URL", because receives an empty URL.

If I use the same proxy from a browser, it works correctly.

Here there is an extract of the Squid Log:

1061296569.027 2 NONE/400 1437 GET / - NONE/- text/html
1061296572.283 2 NONE/400 1437 GET / - NONE/- text/html
1061296573.872 1 NONE/400 1437 GET / - NONE/- text/html
1061296583.608 1245 TCP_MISS/200 17744 GET http://www.apple.com/ - DIRECT/ text/html
1061296584.105 545 TCP_MISS/200 982 GET http://statse.webtrendslive.com/S139226/button6.asp? - DIRECT/ image/gif
1061296588.541 4980 TCP_MISS/200 1249 GET http://statse.webtrendslive.com/S130376/button6.asp? - DIRECT/ image/gif
1061296810.333 1580 TCP_MISS/200 92149 GET http://www.cisco.com/ - DIRECT/ text/html

As you can see, the requests from (the browser) are performed correctly, while requests from (the redirection from the Sonicwall) are empty.

I know (and tried) that the Sonicwall works with other proxies too (i.e. Apache), so I don't understand what the problem is.

Any help?


Vito Parisi

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