
Just a note, as requested at http://www.squid-cache.org/binaries.html, to thank you for providing the RedHat RPMs and a cc to the list to say thank-you to the project team for Squid. Really mean that. Brilliant software!

I'm happy they have been useful for you, Bill.

For information, I'm running RH8 (2.4.18-14) and the RH7 rpm squid-2.5.STABLE3-1rh_7x.i386 installed and ran fine, the RH9 rpm failed to install due to 3 library dependency errors (sorry - I didn't think to capture them for this note).

I think I know the deps in question. I'll see about getting a package just for 8.0 up, if I can dig up an 8.0 box that I haven't already upgraded to 9 (we're skipping striaght from a custom 7.3 to a custom 9 for our systems, so I've never seriously maintained any 8.0 boxes--RPM was broken throughout the whole 8.0 cycle, so there was no way to switch to it).
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