On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Netguy wrote:

> i am planning to buy a machine with large storage (around 1 or 2
> tera-byte) and running it as squid proxy.

Do you really need that large storage in a single Squid proxy? There is 
very little return when growing the cache beyond 1 weeks worth of content.

> i have now a machine with 125GB cache with cache_mem set to 256 and the
> squid process grows up to 1.3GB. the problem is in my openion in the
> memory because the squid process will grow above 2GB and this will crash
> it.

The upper limit depends on your OS and architecture:

Some Intel OS:es allow for processes up to around 3GB in size.

If you run on a 64-bit architecture then process size is virtually 
unlimited. But on the other hand Squid is very limited tested in 64-bit 
environments, and it is also a fact that the memory requirements increases 
significantly when going to 64 bits as many of the cache index fields is 
word size dependent, causing a memory requirements increase of at least 
50% more on 64-bit architectures compared to 32-bit architectures.


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