On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Netguy wrote:

> i think freebsd support upto 2GB for single process right?

Not a FreeBSD guy, but it quite likely does. But it is also quite likely 
you need to do some kernel tuning to allow such large processes (but maybe 
not, as I said I am not a FreeBSD guy. All I know is that this kind of 
tunings have been required in earlier FreeBSD releases).

> if so what is the recomended 32-bit OS

Generally the recommendation is the OS you are most familiar with.

Personally I uses Linux from Desktop to Server and appliances.

> btw can COSS be a future solution or not?

The COSS storage is gradually improving but is not yet production quality. 
>From what it looks Squid-3 will have at least near production quality COSS 
implementation (if not production quality).


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