
You need to configure forwarding incoming packets from GRE interface 
to squid process:

  # ipfw add fwd,3128 ip from any to any via gre0 in
  # ipfw add permit ip from any to any

> Hello!
> I'm trying to set up a transparent proxy, but I'm running in to some
> difficulty.  Here is my set up:
>  * Cisco 837 running Cisco IOS 12.3
>  * FreeBSD 5.1
>  * squid-2.5.4_6 with WCCP compiled in
>  * (also running apache-2.0.48_1, running on port 80)
> I have so far taken the following steps:
> In squid.conf:
> --------------
> ## WCCP Redirection (Transparent Proxy)
> ## ------------------------------------
> httpd_accel_host virtual
> httpd_accel_port 3128
> httpd_accel_with_proxy on
> httpd_accel_uses_host_header on
> wccp_router
> wccp_version 3
> On the Cisco 837:
> -----------------
> ip wccp version 1
> ip wccp web-cache redirect-list 2
> !
> interface BVI1
>  description --- Bridging Interface ---
>  ip address 150.101.x.x
>  ip wccp web-cache redirect in
>  ip nat outside
> end
> !
> access-list 2 permit
> On FreeBSD 5.1:
> ---------------
> <compiled 'device gre' into kernel>
> configured device with:
> # ifconfig gre0 create
> # ifconfig gre0 netmask up
> # ifconfig gre0 tunnel
> # route delete
> ifconfig:
> gre0: flags=9051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,LINK0,MULTICAST> mtu 1476
>         tunnel inet -->
>         inet6 fe80::240:5ff:fe03:3fb1%gre0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x5 
>         inet --> netmask 0xff000000 
> Once all this is done and Squid starts I get the following messages on my
> 837:
> router#deb ip wccp event
> router#deb ip wccp packet
> *Mar  1 19:57:04.715: WCCP-PKT: Sending I_See_You packet to w/ rcvd_id 
> 000000C2
> *Mar  1 19:57:14.739: WCCP-EVNT: Built I_See_You msg body w/1 usable web caches, 
> change # 0000000B
> *Mar  1 19:57:14.739: %WCCP-5-CACHEFOUND: Web Cache acquired
> *Mar  1 19:57:14.739: WCCP-PKT: Received valid Here_I_Am packet from 
> w/rcvd_id 000000C2
> *Mar  1 19:57:14.739: WCCP-PKT: Sending I_See_You packet to w/ rcvd_id 
> 000000C3
> *Mar  1 19:57:25.759: WCCP-PKT: Received valid Here_I_Am packet from 
> w/rcvd_id 000000C3
> *Mar  1 19:57:25.759: WCCP-PKT: Sending I_See_You packet to w/ rcvd_id 
> 000000C4
> So they're talking WCCP, however users can still browse the web and it
> seems to me as though the router isn't forwarding the traffic:
> router#sh ip wccp web-cache detail 
> WCCP Cache-Engine information:
>         Web Cache ID:
>         Protocol Version:      0.3
>         State:                 Usable
>         Initial Hash Info:     00000000000000000000000000000000
>                                00000000000000000000000000000000
>         Assigned Hash Info:    00000000000000000000000000000000
>                                00000000000000000000000000000000
>         Hash Allotment:        0 (0.00%)
>         Packets Redirected:    0
>         Connect Time:          00:03:35
> I am not sure if interface BVI1 is supposed to be redirect in or redirect
> out, but so far having either has shown the same results.
> Squid logs are not showing anything.
> Is my understanding correct if I say that my 837 intercepts traffic on port
> 80 and then, using the GRE tunnel, redirects it to my FreeBSD box still on
> port 80, where squid handles it like a normal request?  If this is the
> case, am I supposed to set up some kind of firewall rule that captures
> traffic in port 80 and remaps it to port 3128?  If I do this, how can I
> have apache and squid running together?
> This is sort of what I have worked out after reading the setup steps for
> all sorts of linux/freebsd configurations, but I'm not so sure it's what I
> need to do.  To test this I changed the listening port of squid to 80, and
> still saw no entries in my access.log tending me to believe that the
> wccp-redirect just ain't workin'.
> Can anyone shed any light?
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Adam Smith    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Internode     : http://www.internode.on.net
> Phone         : (08) 8228 2999

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