On Sat, 14 Feb 2004, Scott Phalen wrote:

> Duane,
> I have been watching my processes and cache all day today.  Squid is the
> only thing running on this server and seems to be running at 99% CUP
> utilization.  I currently have 600MB free mem out of 2GB (I reset squid 2

If you are using a very recent version then you are probably experiencing
the ipcache_purgelru bug (#891 in our bugzilla)

> hours ago).  I changed my cache_mem to 128MB and set the cache_dir to 50000
> 16 256.  What I am concerned about is running out of RAM.  From the output
> of my "top" screen... there is no swap being used.
> Is there a point where squid will stop consuming more RAM?

If you are getting "600MB free mem" from a program like top, then you
are probably being misled.  What is the actual Squid process size?

> Does it hurt the caching process with frequent reboots?

Not really, other than disrupting the service for your users.

Duane W.

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