On Thu, 29 Apr 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Cacheability engine:
> http://www.ircache.net/cgi-bin/cacheability.py?query=http%3A%2F%2F62.178.190.10%3A8440%2Fsma_test%2FlistVS.do
> it tells: Cache-Control       no-cache
> so I think that I have to remove <meta http-equiv="cache-control" 
> content="no-cache"> from 
> the file. 
> BUT: on loading the output in the browser and viewing the html source, there is no 
> such meta-
> tag in it? 

What you need to remove is the HTTP header "Cache-Control: no-cache". See 
your JSP documentation on how to control HTTP headers.

> 1) Is it possible, that the Header (no-cache) has been set, without showing up in 
> the html 
> source? (maybe new in http1.1

HTTP headers never show up in source.

meta http-equiv is a ugly cludge supported by few (if any) servers 
allowing html to specify HTML headers. It is also abused by some browsers.

> 2) Can Squid somehow override "no-cache"?

In theory yes, but this requires some coding and goes way outside of what
is allowed to do in proxies by the HTTP standard..


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