
   (1)  Companies A, B, and C are working on a joint project.
   (2)  Company A is the lead for the joint project and is responsible
        for maintaining a web-accessible database of information about
        the project that is accessible to all team members.
   (3)  Private, dedicated links have been established between A, B,
        and C to allow access to the database.
   (4)  The web server for the database is only accessible through the
        private network connection and is not visible to the Internet.
   (5)  Company B installs a Squid proxy server to provide restricted
        access to the web server at company A.
   (6)  All HTTP requests for PROJECT.A.COM need to be forwarded to
        this Squid proxy server while all other HTTP requests for A.COM
        are forwarded to the default proxy server that provides Internet

Using 2.4-STABLE7, this appeared to work when using cache_peer_domain.  
Under 2.5-STABLE6, the requests are always being routed to the default
parent cache that provides access to the Internet.

Which debug sections need to be enabled in the debug options to determine
why the "right" proxy server is not being selected?

Merton Campbell Crockett

BEGIN:                          vcard
VERSION:                        3.0
FN:                             Merton Campbell Crockett
ORG:                            General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems;
                                Intelligence and Exploitation Systems
N:                              Crockett;Merton;Campbell
EMAIL;TYPE=internet:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TEL;TYPE=work,voice,msg,pref:   +1(805)497-5045
TEL;TYPE=work,fax:              +1(805)497-5050
TEL;TYPE=cell,voice,msg:        +1(805)377-6762
END:                            vcard

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