On Fri, 3 Sep 2004, Richard wrote:

I did try to justify the flight to Germany but as I thought my boss
wasn't as enthusiastic as me

Sorry to hear this.

there are a lot of people like myself interested in where squid is going, I am eagerly awaiting the release of 3.0 stable.

btw is there any way I can contribute to 3.0? I'm not a programmer but
have a excellent understanding of proxys/networking/security.

Do you like writing? If so then the Squid Users Guide is looking for a maintainer.

For the 3.0 release in specific the release notes also need a bit of help, documenting the visible changes since Squid-2.5.

Then there is always the tedious work of testing and submitting bug reports, and to analyze and narrowing down already existing bug reports.

Or if you have a little programming experience, to forward port the patches from Squid-2.5 to Squid-3 (search for PATCH25 in keywords in bugzilla). In many cases this is trivial.


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