On 15.11 12:23, Sturgis, Grant wrote:
> I am writing for ideas on how I can increase the performance of my squid
> cache.
> I am running:
> cache_dir aufs on ext2

> The hardware is:
> Dell PE 1650
> 2-Intel PIII 1133 MHz
> 4 GB RAM
> The symptom is that during our peak utilization periods, when HTTP
> requests get over about 750/min, the response time gets very slow, over
> 800 ms or so.  I understand that squid is single threaded, but we are
> running a number of the redirector processes and it seems that the CPU
> workload is distributed fairly well.  This is determined by examining
> /proc/stat with MRTG.  Neither CPU seems to reach above 55% utilization
> so I do not think the system is CPU bound. 

55% is already quite much, however that is probably not the problem.

> One thing that is concerning:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] squid]# free -m
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers
> cached
> Mem:          3778       3756         22          0        472
> 2154
> -/+ buffers/cache:       1129       2649
this says you only use a bit more than 1GB of memory.

> Also, I do understand that reiserfs is a recommended file system over
> ext2; do you think it will make a large difference to change this?

yes, there is high probability that changing to xfs/jfs/reiserfs would
help you.

> Any suggestions for things I can do to determine why my cache is slow or
> how to make improvements in performance?

try to see how disks are loaded using 'iostat -d 1'

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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