Hi Henrik:

Thank you for your answer. Oh,squid is HTTP/1.0. I do some experiments about the cached file of squid which is in disk. Conditions: Server, Apache 2.0.49,invoke mod_deflate;Browser, MS IE6.0 HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.1 through proxy; Proxy, squid 2.5.STABLE7,no change squid.conf except 'http_access allow all'.The result: Server, the HTML is compressed showing in the log file.Squid cached the compressed file in disk.But if Browser is HTTP/1.0. NO compression occur in squid or Server. HTTP/1.0 surport
the Content-Encoding and Accept-Encoding, when Browser is HTTP/1.0, why
squid does not cache the compressed file to save disk space.

           Best Wish!

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