On 11.04.06 20:59, nonama wrote:
> Based on the below, how does it actually removed the
> old data when the cache hit the low_swap value.

no, squid removes old data when the cache fill percentage hits
cache_swap_high value and stops when it hits cache_swap_low value.

> WIll it remove only selected old data in the cache (can we monitor this)

look at cache_replacement_policy

> and is there any impact to the users i.e slow performance?

No, unless there's something wrong with your system.

> Sorry, I' also a newbie in SQUID and reading from the
> FAQ make me more confused. Really need more
> experienced person to explain it.

did you try reading default config file first?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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