Henrik Nordstrom wrote:
> mån 2006-08-21 klockan 06:40 +0000 skrev Monty Ree:
>> Is there any problem to set this?
> Exacly how it's meant to be done, except that perhaps you want to use
> the real server IP addresses in squid.conf rather than DNS.


I too want to set up something with exactly this configuration.

Whereabouts do the IPs go?

Here's a stab at the configuration:

http_port vhost

cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=cache
cache_peer_domain server1 cache.example.com
cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver name=images
cache_peer_domain server1 images.example.com

One other thing I'm not sure about is DNS resolution.

I currently have this configuration:

client -> LB1 -> squid farm -> LB2 -> apache farm

LB1 & LB2 are load-balancers

So, clients access cache.example.com which externally (i.e. public IP
address) resolves to LB1.
LB1 passes the request to a machine in the squid farm (squid01,02,03)
The squid instances peer with each other and are configured as
accelerators for the apache farm via LB2
proxy.example.com resolves to LB2 (
LB2 passes the request on to a machine in the apache farm
(proxy01,02,03) which are configured with cache.example.com as
ServerAliases in httpd.conf.

On each of the squid machines, I'm currently using this config (IP
address different per machine):

http_port vhost
cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver

LB2 has address

However, I find that this only works if cache.example.com resolves
internally to

Is this how it's supposed to work, or am I missing something?

Basically, what I'd like to happen is :

 * all incoming requests for cache.example.com get passed to
 * all incoming requests for images.example.com get passed to

This should happen regardless of what cache.example.com and
images.example.com resolve to internally.



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