On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 07:12:34PM +0900, Seonkyu Park wrote:
> I'm using squid for reverse proxy for 'flv' progressive download.
> As you know, 'flv' is flash live video files. ( youtube... etc )
> I  want client's pc has not flv files.
> But automatically 'flv' file saves in Internet Explorer (
> C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp )
> How to do disable client caching with squid ? 

Why do you want to? If it's to stop people from being able to copy
the files, you'll fail. Otherwise...

> ( ie: meta tag swap ..  Can do this squid ?
> <META http-equiv="Expires" content="-1"> 
> <META http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> 
> <META http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="No-Cache"> 
> )

Squid can only remove headers, to the best of my knowledge. To add
them, you need to do it on the origin server. You say you're using
squid as a reverse proxy, so you'll need to configure your web
server to set the appropriate HTTP headers when serving .flv files;
you can't use HTML <meta> tags, they need to be real HTTP headers.
(I'm guessing .flv files don't have anywhere to put such things, but
it seems like a fairly safe guess.)

Even with this done, it's posible MSIE will still save the files as
part of how it operates internally. I'm not certain about that,

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