> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adrian Chadd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> On Fri, May 11, 2007, David Gameau wrote:
> > > I've made WPAD work but I've not made it work with a DHCP 
> > > configuration. I've done mine with DNS.
> > > 
> > > Does anyone here have an example of a WPAD+DHCP 
> > > configuration? If so I'd like to talk to you and document
> > > it on the Wiki.
> > > 
> > Here's what we use to support WPAD+DHCP:
> > [From dhcpd.conf, in the global section of the file]
> >   option option-252 code 252 = text;
> >   option option-252 "http://wpad.example.com/wpad.dat\n";;
> > 
> > Note that IE6 truncates the answer it gets (by dropping the
> > last character), which is why you need to include something
> > like '\n'.
> > 
> > I'm not sure whether Firefox supports DHCP for its autodiscovery.
> Hm! How interesting. Do you have any tech references for that IE6
> WPAD behaviour?
> Adrian
I can't find the singular authoritative source for the problem.
However, this is probably the best explanation I could find.

  "One caveat: Microsoft's Internet Explorer version 6.01 expects the
   string in option 252 to be NUL-terminated. As such, it
   strips off the final octet of the string before using it. Earlier
   of Microsoft's Internet Explorer do not do this. To satisfy all
   simply explicitly include a NUL as the last octet of the string."


David Gameau
ISTS - Systems Infrastructure
University of South Australia

phone: +61 8 302 3533
fax:   +61 8 302 5800

Disclaimer: "His brain sometimes stops working." - Chiyo, Azumange Daoih

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