Paul Cocker wrote:
I'm setting up SquidNT 2.6STABLE14 using a fresh config on a Windows
2003 server. I've located it in the folder D:\Program Files\squid,
mainly because there are several other programs installed on the server
and it keep the folder list clean, they're all within this directory.

However, when I try to start the service I get the following:

FATAL: Bungled squid.conf line 1072: cache_dir ufs "D:/Program
Files/squid/var/cache" 2000 16 256

Now, I assume this is due to spaces in the directory path which I
thought the quotes would resolve.

You probably assume correct.

Can this be made to work in a configuration where there are spaces in
the directory names?

You could, with a lot of code. Squid uses strtok([whitespace]) to parse each line, that is (sadly) buried into every module that has a squid.conf item.

So quotes don't generally mean a thing to squid, nor do [\ ]'s.

I'm not to up on the parsing in windows, but it might be possible in your case to use the %...% win32 default path variables. It would be easier to add code for those at certain places than change the parser to cope with spaces.


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