Thompson, Scott (WA) wrote:
Hi all
I am trying to get some systems to access a site for webmail access on
port 2095

I'm assuming you run the webmail site. If you do not, then the admin themselves have screwed up and need to be told about their problem.

I have added the site in the white.list and as a result I can access the
sites front page, but if I specify /webmail (eg it
redirects it to port 2095 which I then can't access
Is there anyway I can get the http requests to access the site in
question on Port 2095?

Squid needs to accept requests to port 2095 for this to happen.

It may also need a cache_peer line to tell squid the IP and port to redirect certain requests to. With some matching cache_peer_access to restrict which requests get sent to the peer.

Does the white.list support ports in the list?

Never heard of any 'white.list' option. The squid ACLs do though.

All my users authenticate against AD but these users in question are
Linux boxes running Mozila and I don't want them to authenticate for
this site, I just want straight thru access

Then configure the http_access for this site before any access that required authentication.

Here is part of the squid.conf file

# ACL List of Allow or Deny and the order they flow
http_access allow White
http_access deny Denied
http_access allow PowerProxy
http_access deny Refuse
http_access allow Proxy
http_access allow ATO
http_access allow manager
http_access deny all

Please use Squid 2.6.STABLE19 or 3.0.STABLE4

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