No this is an externally hosted site!
Any more info on how I might be able to apply this to my config would be
(See previous post for squid.conf)


-----Original Message-----
From: Amos Jeffries [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, 18 April 2008 12:20 PM
To: Thompson, Scott (WA)
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Accessing a site on a particular port

Thompson, Scott (WA) wrote:
> Hi all
> I am trying to get some systems to access a site for webmail access on
> port 2095

I'm assuming you run the webmail site. If you do not, then the admin 
themselves have screwed up and need to be told about their problem.

> I have added the site in the white.list and as a result I can access
> sites front page, but if I specify /webmail (eg it
> redirects it to port 2095 which I then can't access
> Is there anyway I can get the http requests to access the site in
> question on Port 2095?

Squid needs to accept requests to port 2095 for this to happen.

It may also need a cache_peer line to tell squid the IP and port to 
redirect certain requests to. With some matching cache_peer_access to 
restrict which requests get sent to the peer.

> Does the white.list support ports in the list?

Never heard of any 'white.list' option. The squid ACLs do though.

> All my users authenticate against AD but these users in question are
> Linux boxes running Mozila and I don't want them to authenticate for
> this site, I just want straight thru access

Then configure the http_access for this site before any access that 
required authentication.

> Here is part of the squid.conf file
> <---snip--->
> # ACL List of Allow or Deny and the order they flow
> http_access allow White
> http_access deny Denied
> http_access allow PowerProxy
> http_access deny Refuse
> http_access allow Proxy
> http_access allow ATO
> http_access allow manager
> http_access deny all

Please use Squid 2.6.STABLE19 or 3.0.STABLE4

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