tis 2008-05-27 klockan 22:41 +0400 skrev Oleg Motienko:

> AFAIR according to
> http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2616.html (Chapter 4.3 Message Body)
> Header "Content-Length" is not not required.

HTTP/1.1 requires Content-Length, or Transfer-Encoding: chunked, and
also rquires proxies to reject Transfer-Encoding: chunked if it is
suspected the next hop is HTTP/1.0.

HTTP/1.0 only supports Content-Lenght.

Squid is HTTP/1.0.

> Why squid blocks POST/PUT without header "Content-Length" ?

Because it really want's to have a content-length.

The client SHOULD retry by using Content-Length when receiving a 411
error response.


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