tis 2008-12-09 klockan 15:03 +0100 skrev Jan Welker:

> A. Netscape browsers with manual proxy servers set up for http and
> https as proxy.host.net:8080
> B. Netscape browsers with automatic proxy configuration with URL setup
> as proxy.host.net:8080 (note they're the same).


This kind of setup isn't well supported by Squid at the moment, but
there is a workaround by enabling the transparent http_port option, and
then set up a small web server hosting the pac.

http_port 8080 transparent
cache_peer pac.server 80 0 no-query originserver name=pac
acl pac dstdomain proxy.host.net ip.of.proxy.host.net
cache_peer_access pac allow pac
never_direct allow pac

> to be touched). If I must do that, I'd much prefer to cut over to
> transparent proxying so we don't face this problem again in the future
> and it's trivial for the end users to reconfigure.

I wouldn't do that. Better to set up a "pac.host.net" address and
gradually migrate the clients over there so you get the pac distribution
separated from the actual proxy, enabling you to play with the proxy
hierarchy without touching the pac distribution (just the pac).

But the workaround above should get you going. If not it should be
fairly easy to add what's needed.


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