Landy Landy wrote:
Squid + SquidGuard very easy to do. you need to ask
yourself, do you want transparent or configure the client
browser ?
then you can filter with a blacklist


I'm trying to do this web content filtering at a small elementery school and is 
tending to be somewhat difficult to implement since I'm already blocking some 
ip address from accessing the Internet and allowing others. Now,  I have no 
idea how I can filter only a hand full of the allowed ip addresses. Don't know 
exactly how to do it since there isn't any if statements and stuff like that to 
use for the ip addresses I need filtering for.

Please guide me to where I can get an idea of what to do in my case.
I appreciate yout time.

I'm not entirely sure I understand the question. You appear to have asked the question in response to the answer above.

What do you mean by "the allowed ip addresses"? Is this local ip addresses that are permitted (or not) to browse or remote addresses that are or are not allowed to be browsed to?

In any case squidGuard on top of the squid cache can do the filtering you are looking for (regardless of the answer to the above question - it will filter on both usages of ip address in that context).

There is a lot of information on both the squidGuard as well as squid cache web sites regarding how to set this up and of course if you have specific questions they can be asked here. This question is rather lacking in details though. What have you found difficult to implement?

Mike Rambo

NOTE: In order to control energy costs the light at the end
of the tunnel has been shut off until further notice...

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