-----Original Message-----
From: Jasper Van Der Westhuizen [mailto:javanderwesthui...@shoprite.co.za] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 11:13 AM
To: squid-users@squid-cache.org
Subject: RE: [squid-users] Allowing linked sites - NTLM and un-authenticated 

> This allows my un-authenticated users access to the whitelisted domains and 
> blocks any links in the sites that are not whitelisted(like facebook and 
> youtube). It also allows my authenticated users access to all sites, 
> including whitelisted sites, as well as allowing linked sites like facebook 
> etc.
> Do you perhaps see any issue with this setup?

> The only problem I forsee is that srcdomain is the clients IP rDNS record. 
> You have to encode into that what group they are in, so its restricted to 
> clients you > have control over rDNS for. In which case you may as well make 
> them static and use src IP checks.


> Hi Amos

> I want to change my setup to do authentication for everyone, and based on 
> whether the user is in a specific group or not, allow them access to certain 
> ACL's.

> I have a group in AD that should have full access. All users should 
> authenticate. If the user is not in my Internet group then he gets to access 
> a list of sites. If  >the user is in the Internet group he gets a different 
> ACL to access everything.

>Is this possible with NTLM? I don't think it is. How would I approach this?

What I did now was use wbinfo_group.pl to help with group ACL's.

external_acl_type testForNTGroup1 children=5 %LOGIN /usr/sbin/wbinfo_group.pl
external_acl_type testForNTGroup2 children=5 %LOGIN /usr/sbin/wbinfo_group.pl
acl InternetUsers external testForNTGroup1 "/etc/squid/group_auth_all_access"
acl NonInternetUsers external testForNTGroup2 


### Allow Whitelisted domains to all users
http_access allow InternetUsers
http_access allow NonInternetUsers whitelist
http_access deny NonInternetUsers !whitelist all


I place my groups that allowed to have full access in group_auth_all_access. 
The file group_auth_limited_access contains the group that covers my entire AD 

I think this will work fine. I've tested it successfully.

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