I am running 3.1.2 on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server box (8 GB RAM) for 2700 
clients, with 6500 HTTP requests per minute. This Squid instance is doing 
forward proxy and intercept too. 

The problem is when users are trying to use the publish feature on Facebook (we 
have a few corporate pages): the publish operation freezes (but only during 
office hours; it works fine early in the morning, for example).

To troubleshoot, I installed the same OS and Squid version on a virtual 
machine. I asked these users to point to this proxy instance and all is fine 
(still during office hours).

Maybe this Squid instance is overloaded? Is it a bad idea to be running Squid 
on box that is routing all outgoing traffic? Could it help to run a second 
instance of Squid on this box?

Marc Delisle

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