If the CPU ram and wait are low the only thing I can think is Low file-descriptors which you can see using:
ulimit -Sa
ulimit -Ha


On 11/27/2012 9:31 PM, Delisle, Marc wrote:
Hello Eliezer,
Thanks for your excellent analysis. First, there is no cache_dir involved. 
Second, I deactivated access_log and cache_log and the problem persists.

CPU does not seem to be the problem, it's mostly 80% idle with less than 0.5 % 
wait. Routing is RIP-only, but this box is IP-forwarding all traffic for the 
whole campus.

By the way, in Squid my cache_mem is set to 5000 MB.

Could you elaborate on the NAT issue? Most of our users are indeed in private 
networks and the Squid box is performing also NAT for them.

My next step is to compile Squid 3.2.3 and give it a try, even though I would 
have preferred to stay with the packages offered in this distro.

Eliezer Croitoru
IT consulting for Nonprofit organizations
eliezer <at> ngtech.co.il

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