Thanks for replying.

Since I'm testing on the same network/systems where I also have other
Squid versions running (plus numerous other applications), it is
probably reasonable to rule out TCP/NAT/ARP, since the problem is not
seen elsewhere.

If we narrow it down to the first 2 items (connection object or
HTTP/1.1), what options are available to prevent the "timeout"?

On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Amos Jeffries <> wrote:
> On 13.12.2012 14:45, csn233 wrote:
>> I'm testing Squid 3.2.3 and seem to be encountering some sort of
>> "timeout" problem on browsers. When left idle for long periods
>> (hours), Firefox and IE9 seem to "lose" the connection, and can only
>> be resolved by restarting the browser.
>> The squid.conf is more or less the standard copy from the
>> installation, and I have not added anything that looks like a
>> "timeout" parameter. I've never seen this in previous versions I've
>> used, 2.6 and 3.1.
>> What might it be?
> * it might be browser loosing a connection object internally
> * it might be HTTP/1.1 handling issues in either browser or Squid
> * it might be TCP timeouts in the network stack of any device between
> browser and Squid
> * it might be NAT timeouts in any device between browser and Squid
> * it might be ARP table timeouts on any device between browser and Squid
> All of these are possibilities in 3.2 where HTTP/1.1 is use between Browser
> and Squid. But not in the older versions where HTTP/1.0 is used. As
> side-effects of HTTP 1.1 vs 1.0 keep-alive behaviour.
> Amos

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