Hi Eugene,

Do you work in a Windows environemnt with AD as kdc ? I have a new method in my squid 3.4 patch (see squid dev list) which uses the Group Information MS is putting in the ticket. This would eliminate the ldap lookup completely.


"Eugene M. Zheganin" <eug...@zhegan.in> wrote in message news:5225dd87.7060...@zhegan.in...

I moved almost all of my squid to authentication schemes using
ext_kerberos_ldap_group_acl, and, though they do work OK, I'm not
entirely happy with their performance. ext_ldap_group_acl is like speed
of light fast comparing to ext_kerberos_ldap_group_acl. The most lag
(around 0.5 sec) happens, from my observation, between these two lines:

support_krb5.cc(267): pid=53166 :2013/09/03 18:52:45|
kerberos_ldap_group: DEBUG: Got principal name
support_krb5.cc(311): pid=53166 :2013/09/03 18:52:46|
kerberos_ldap_group: DEBUG: Stored credentials

Is there any way to speed this up ? I've reread the documentation, but
without result. Is there any cache that could be used ?
I understand that kerberos group helper is way more complicated than the
pure ldap one, but still, having this pause on each group membership
checking is sad.


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