On 22/02/2014 11:23 a.m., Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
> Hey,
> Using squid 3.3.11 added ncsa basic auth and and a corresponding
> deny_info to the acl which I assumed will redirect any login fail into
> the localhost deny page.
> On firefox I am getting auth fine with it but not deny_info page.
> In a case it should be like that then fine.
> The deny_info directive is towards the auth acl of the ncsa
> program\basic_auth.
> If needed more info I'm here.
> Eliezer

Auth requires a 407 status. Redirect is a 30x status.

With deny_info you can send a 407 status with custom template "page" to
display OR, redirect to another URL (localhost?) using 30x. But not both
in the same response message.
 NP: the new URL may do or require authentication itself, but that is
not related to the deny_info action.


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