On 13/03/2014 9:19 p.m., aditya agarwal wrote:
> Hi Amos,
> Thanks for your reply.
> As you have mentioned, Server does not send the Content-length in the
> response therefore Squid sends a Connection: Close to the client.
> Whereas in the hit case squid knows the content-length therefore we
> send content-length along with keep-alive in the response to client.
> The Client which is sending FIN is MediaFoundation Framework(embedded
> within windows). The video object is rendered fine in the case of a
> miss but in the case of hit we see a FIN and a blank screen from the
> client.
> If the same URL is accessed using DirectShow Framework(embedded
> within Windows), in the case of miss the video is rendered absolutely
> fine. In the case of hit the video is rendered fine 4 out of 10
> times. Rest of the times we see a blank screen, but there isn't any
> FIN from the client and wee see a complete cache hit in squid.
> Therefore I am guessing it might be an issue in the Client side only
> and not Squid.

Yes. No need to guess. Squid is very well tested in this area with a
very wide range of client software which all interoperates just fine.
The odd one out being this one framework fingers it as being buggy.


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