Dear Nathan, i announced on the list last week that I have a really good designer putting together a new interface. I agree the current one looks like its from the 80's or something.
If you wish I can add you to the list to be notified when the new templates are available.

Thomas P.A. Fitch

Nathan writes:
Hi there,
I've been playing around with sqwebmail for a week or so now, and I must say that I'm quite impressed with the features and speed that it provides. I've had no problems setting it up and getting it working, and the unicode support seems great in the latest version. More testing to do.
Just some feedback/feature requests, mostly;
There really needs to be more configurability over the templates. For example, it's possible to make substantial changes to the header and footer, etc, but to make any changes to the 'read message' page - particularly the message action buttons (forward, reply, delete, etc) - and other pages like this where the HTML is hardcoded, is quite a pain. You have to go and edit the source - ick.
Now, I'm no C coder, but I don't mind hacking a bit of C code here and there, but really, I hope template support is improved at some stage :) The default look and feel is, well, dire. (Sorry)
Also, it would be cool if there was a way of transcoding emails in other character sets to unicode. If I set everything to unicode, then it should be possible to take an iso-2022-jp email and transcode it to display correctly.
In any case, keep up the good work.
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