Shortly after the announcement of new SQWebmail templates being developed,
I volunteered to host a central repository that would contain a list of
available template packs. My offer still stands, but I have not yet found
someone willing to administer/manage this list. If anyone would like to
volunteer, please email me a proposal. Please outline:

- skills you have that would qualify you for this (HTML knowledge, design
- how much time you can afford to devote to making sure the content updated
as new templates become available
- what tools/resources you will need me to provide you with to perform your
tasks (IE: database, disk space, PERL libs)

If nobody is interested, I will just do it myself, but I would rather work
with another person/company on the project for the business networking
value. Besides, my design skill is not good :-( so it might look cheesy.


Fred Read
Web In Motion
Web Hosting and Managed Colocation
Phone: (905) 261-3165
Fax: (905) 438-1468

                    "                    To:     Nathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        
                    <admin@honests       cc:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  
          >              Subject:     [sqwebmail] Re: Templates and 
                    09:11 AM                                                           

Dear Nathan, i announced on the list last week that I have a really good
designer putting together a new interface.  I agree the current one looks
like its from the 80's or something.

If you wish I can add you to the list to be notified when the new templates

are available.

Thomas P.A. Fitch

Nathan writes:

> Hi there,
> I've been playing around with sqwebmail for a week or so now, and I must
> say that I'm quite impressed with the features and speed that it
> I've had no problems setting it up and getting it working, and the
> support seems great in the latest version. More testing to do.
> Just some feedback/feature requests, mostly;
> There really needs to be more configurability over the templates. For
> example, it's possible to make substantial changes to the header and
> footer, etc, but to make any changes to the 'read message' page -
> particularly the message action buttons (forward, reply, delete, etc) -
> and other pages like this where the HTML is hardcoded, is quite a pain.
> You have to go and edit the source - ick.
> Now, I'm no C coder, but I don't mind hacking a bit of C code here and
> there, but really, I hope template support is improved at some stage :)
> The default look and feel is, well, dire. (Sorry)
> Also, it would be cool if there was a way of transcoding emails in other
> character sets to unicode. If I set everything to unicode, then it should

> be possible to take an iso-2022-jp email and transcode it to display
> correctly.
> In any case, keep up the good work.
> Regards,
> Nathan.
> --
> Diamonds on velvets on goldens on vixen
> On comet & cupid on donner & blitzen
> On up & away & afar & a go-go
> Escape from the weight of your corporate logo!

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