On Sun, Sep 28, 2003 at 04:01:15PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> 1.) Sqwebmail IS reading templates from the correct directory, removing a
> template and creating the "env" cgi script proves this
> 2.) The image dir for sqwebmail IS being read and appears to be picking up
> changes, eg: I change the logo.gif image - and it is picked up, I change the
> css and I can change the colours.
> 3.)changing the html templates actual html seems to make no changes. I have
> changed the contents of the <title> tag, and changed the <img> attributes to
> change the size of logo.gif. None of the changes to the HTML templates
> appear to be working.
> I am unaware of any limitations of changing the html templates, the
> permissions of the files look fine, I am not caching the pages on the
> webserver, and the sqwebmail application appears to be working fine ???
> any further comment / advice.

$ telnet your.webserver.com 80
GET /cgi-bin/sqwebmail?noframes=1 HTTP/1.0
Host: your.webserver.com
<blank line>

will show you *exactly* what gets returned by the webserver for the login
page. If you make a change in the template, you'll see the change in the
returned HTML. If you don't see a change, then you have something weird
about your system and I can't really make any guesses as to what you've
done. Strange proxy caches or something, who knows.

Do the above test *on* the webserver itself. Use
telnet 80


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