On Sun, Sep 28, 2003 at 05:42:16PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > $ telnet your.webserver.com 80
> > GET /cgi-bin/sqwebmail?noframes=1 HTTP/1.0
> > Host: your.webserver.com
> > <blank line>
> >
> > will show you *exactly* what gets returned by the webserver for the login
> > page. If you make a change in the template, you'll see the change in the
> > returned HTML. If you don't see a change, then you have something weird
> > about your system and I can't really make any guesses as to what you've
> > done. Strange proxy caches or something, who knows.
> >
> > Do the above test *on* the webserver itself. Use
> > telnet 80
> >
> > Brian.
> >
> Excellent good advice Brian
> The problem with this test is that I am running virtual domains
> so if I telnet to on 80
> and do a get blah blah the blah blah is not in the virtual host htdocs root,
> it will be in the webserver root which hopfully explains why I get

No, please follow EXACTLY the example that I gave.

Line1:     telnet 80
Line2:     GET /cgi-bin/sqwebmail?noframes=1 HTTP/1.0
Line3:     Host: alesi.projecthugo.co.uk

If you are running virtual domains then line3 will select which virtual host
you want.

> GET /cgi-bin/sqwebmail?noframes=1 HTTP/1.0 alesi.projecthugo.co.uk
> <TITLE>400 Bad Request</TITLE>

The server is right: you sent a malformed HTTP request. You must follow the
HTTP protocol exactly if you're going to do this. RFC2616 documents it.

Trying the correct request to your host gives a HTML page including:

      <!-- This is where you put all the content for the login -->
      <td><!-- Insert Logo for site branding -->
        <img src="/webmail/logo.gif"  width="263" height="35" alt="SqWebMail Copyright
        1999-2002 Double Precision, Inc."
        border="0" />


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