When using frames they would have to be refreshed all simultaneously, otherwise you have out of date info in unrefreshed frames. Much work just to have some contents positioned somewhere. Easier done with css.


James A Baker writes:

On Friday, Feb 6, 2004, at 06:57 US/Central, Key Dof wrote:

Ok thanks, but why not using frames? it's really hard to use sqwebmail
when we have 50 or 60 emails boxes.
Thanks for the link for riwos

If what you mean is that you're trying to *wrap* frames around the existing sqwebmail interface, the likely reason you'd have problems is that sqwebmail uses it's own frameset. Of course, I don't recall sqwebmail targeting the top frame or anything like that, but it might be instead that your frame names are conflicting with those used by sqwebmail.

*shrug* I dunno, but it's a thought.



Matti Riikari
tel +358504915633
mail Paltvuori 23310 Taivassalo FIN
web http://www.riikari.net

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