Thanks Brian and Szabo for helping me
to solve the issue.

  I changed the following setting, solved
the issue, may be helpful for others!

 In my ldap user settings, changed the 
mailmessagestore path to relative

  mailMessageStore: user2

and in authldaprc, set the 

  LDAP_MAILROOT        /var/vmail
that's it.

--- Szabo Nandor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Quite possibly. If you are authenticating against
> an LDAP server, then the
> > home directory and maildir will both be taken from
> LDAP attributes that you
> > have set. 
> > 
> >>  when I serch the mailing list, most of them
> >> saying chdir "/var/qmail/maildirs", can anybody
> >> help (tell) me from where sqwebmail picking this
> >> location??
> This is my LDAP entry: 
> dn:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED],,o=panaphone,c=hu
> mailMessageStore: /home/popusers/
> cn: Szabo Nandor
> mailQuotaSize: 40000000
> accountStatus: active
> deliveryMode: nolocal
> deliveryProgramPath: /usr/bin/maildrop 
> And I put the correct LDAP attributes to sqwebmail
> "authldap.rc" file: 
> LDAP_HOMEDIR            mailmessagestore
> #  LDAP_MAILROOT        /var/mail
> # It's nessecary, when your mailmessagestore is
> realative path 
> I hope this help 
> Nandor 

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