Hi there,

I'm new to the list, but I've been using sqwebmail for a long time...

I was using an old version until I get a bug that some lines just disappered from de message body.

So I decided to upgrade form 3.3.7 to 4.0.2 and now I think something is wrong with the unicode module.

Let's me to try to explain:

I'm from Brazil and lots of Brazilian words has accents, so when I receive a portuguese message (iso-8859-1) everything seems to be OK, because I can read clearly, even the accents, but if I try to reply, some weird things happen and all accented letters become squared, either in the subjetc or in the message body.

I've installed my sqwebmail with --enable-unicode=iso-8859-1 and I've tried just --enable-unicode as well, and nothing has changed.

Please, any help is welcome!

Thanks a lot!

Luis Nardella - IT Guy
FreeBSD / NetBSD / OpenBSD / Linux
Net & Sys Admin

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