Cool!!! Thx for this reply and help. Yep i will need. I using WS.

On Aug 4, 2017 15:33, "Daniel-Constantin Mierla" <> wrote:

v5.0 doesn't have many of the event route available for kemi.

If you use master branch (upcoming 5.1), modules having event routes export
a parameter 'event_callback' which needs to be set to a name of a function
inside the embedded language script, see the one for tm at:


The dialog module should have same mod param.

For websocket, do you need the one for xhttp module? If yes, it's available.

The event_route[websocket:closed] is not available, as I can see in the
code, but I will add it.


On 03.08.17 08:38, Yuriy Gorlichenko wrote:

Thank you for your response! Probably it was at 5.0.x kemi guide.
But anyway Domt uderstand how to call it.

I need tm:local reqest,
Websockets event_route and dialog. Thats it)

On Aug 3, 2017 08:15, "Daniel-Constantin Mierla" <> wrote:

> Hello,
> where is that TBD note? It needs to be adjusted, probably it is a leftover
> from first days of this feature.
> The failure_route, branch_route and onreply_route can be now natively in
> the embedded language, see the Lua script example I provide with the link
> in my previous email.
> If you are using event_route blocks, let me know which and I can say if
> they are available -- many of them are, but some are missing, as I am not
> using all the modules available and didn't have the time to dig in all of
> them.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On 02.08.17 13:42, Yuriy Gorlichenko wrote:
> thx. I just thought that it's possibe to concatenate both engines together.
> So this is my last question regardng kemi:
> Main goal why i still not use kemi at the my projects is a:
> TBD: the options for specific event_route blocks. Meanwhile, should work
> using hybrid configuration with request_route/reply_route/… in embedded
> interpreter and the other routing blocks in native kamailio.cfg.
> As i uderstand it is not possible to use event_route in a kemi. only
> native. If yes - do you expect t ointegrate this part of routes at the kemi
> interface in future?
> 2017-08-02 14:36 GMT+03:00 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <>:
>> Hello,
>> if you want to do routing in lua via kemi, the kamailio.cfg has only the
>> passive part (global parameters, loading modules and modparams) and the
>> active part (routing blocks) is a separate file written in the desired
>> scripting language (e.g., lua). See examples:
>>   -
>> es/kemi/kamailio-basic-kemi.cfg
>>   -
>> es/kemi/kamailio-basic-kemi-lua.lua
>> If you still want to have the native kamailio.cfg with its routing
>> blocks, but executed some Lua scripts inline, see app_lua exported
>> functions:
>>   -
>> tml#app_lua.f.lua_run
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
>> On 02.08.17 13:28, Yuriy Gorlichenko wrote:
>> Hi, no
>> I wanna include  lua routes part at existing kamailio.cfg file
>> Just wanna rewrite some route with lua code using kemi because lua more
>> flexible for my needs, but want to call this route at the cfg file.
>> like
>> kamailio.cfg
>> ...
>> route {
>> }
>> ...
>> Where MY_SUPER_ROUTE_IN_LUA is a route written with kemi on lua language.
>> 2017-08-02 14:10 GMT+03:00 Daniel-Constantin Mierla <>:
>>> Hello,
>>> On 02.08.17 12:02, Yuriy Gorlichenko wrote:
>>> > Hello. I found how to implement lua routimg logic with
>>> > cfgengine but didn't found how to include cimple route in lua at the
>>> > cfg file
>>> >
>>> > Presume i have routing logic and want to include
>>> > my_super_custom_route written with Kemo on lua.  How i need to set up
>>> > my config for it work with both engines?
>>> >
>>> I am not sure I understand what you try to do. The path to yiour Lua
>>> script with routing logic has to be set via modparam of app_lua module.
>>> Are you trying to include a lua file in another lua file?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Daniel
>>> --
>>> Daniel-Constantin Mierla
>>> --
>>> Kamailio Advanced Training -
>>> Kamailio World Conference -
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>> Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing 
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>> Daniel-Constantin -- 
>> Kamailio Advanced Training -
>> Kamailio World Conference -
> _______________________________________________
> Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing 
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> Kamailio Advanced Training -
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