There is a way, t_uac_dlg MI does that. I wonder why something similar is not 
available from cfg script. You can issue http request and wait for response 
from cfg, it would be nice to have  t_uac_dlg() script function too.

I have no problem to run apache and invoke t_uac_dlg from CGI, but I'd prefer 
to avoid cgi overhead and implement kamailio-only based solution.

On Friday 01 October 2010, Alex Balashov wrote:
> Sergey,
> There is no way to get Kamailio to "wait" for a reply.  You would have
> to come up with some sort of asynchronous means of providing the reply
> result to the waiting HTTP client that is prompted by a reply on the
> Kamailio side also asynchronously.
> -- Alex
> On 10/01/2010 11:56 AM, Sergey Okhapkin wrote:
> > I need to get http request with xhttp module, process request parameters,
> > build SIP request (based on received http parameters), receive SIP reply
> > and send http response back based on SIP reply. HTTP part is simple, but
> > how to send SIP request from event_route[xhttp:request] and get SIP
> > reply?
> >
> > uac_req_send() function doesn't wait for SIP reply, t_uac_dlg MI command
> > does everything needed but is not accessible from config script. Any
> > other ideas/suggestions?
> >
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