On Oct 02, 2010 at 03:43, Alex Balashov <abalas...@evaristesys.com> wrote:
> Daniel,
> On 10/02/2010 03:39 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
> >you can use t_uac_dlg MI command via XMLRPC. That is done via http.
> >
> >This command is a bit special, doing a wait until the reply comes,
> >blocking working process, so use it carefully.
> Doesn't this aspect of the command make it a bit impractical for any
> non-trivial call volume?  In a normal setup there are only < 10 SIP
> worker processes and replies take up to a few hundred milliseconds
> to come back.

I'm not sure about the MI command (I don't think it blocks a worker
since it should use internally an async. callback), but tm.t_uac_wait does
not block any process. It uses t_uac() and a callback on the transaction
completion (the xmlrpc reply is send from the callback).

Anyway it cannot be done from the script.


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