On 2/27/11 5:27 AM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Henning Westerholt writes:

"kamctl fifo get_statistics all" will show you all available statistics,
for a more simpler view try "kamctl moni". The closest thing you'll
find regards to the load are inuse transaction, or concurrent dialogs.
tmx:inuse_transactions would be more useful if it would contain an
average over some time (1-5 minutes or something like the routers have)
rather than an instantaneous value.  but last time when i looked, it was
difficult to implement in k any kind of stat with average value.
perhaps that has now changed with sip router?
What I used, even in older versions, is to combine statistics with rtimer and htable. The statistics were just simple counters, holding integer value, incremented/decremented as wanted.

There are some stats that just increment, practically counting different events.

Here is what I do if I want to get like "load" stats - i.e., number of events in a specific period of time. For example number of 2xx transactions per minute:

Load htable module and define a htable, say stats.

In event_route[htable:mod-init] I set $sht(stats=>2xx_transactions) = 0;

Load rtimer module to execute a route block every minute. In that route block, do this kind of logic:

$var(stats) = $stat(2xx_transactions);
$var(diff) = $var(stats) - $sht(stats=>2xx_transactions);
$sht(stats=>2xx_transactions) = $var(stats);

- insert in db the value of $var(diff) along with the timestamp so you have the number of transactions answered with 2xx during the last minute. Then configure siremis to make a graph out of the db records

You can have another rtimer route executed not that often that can delete records older than 1-2 days, so you don't fill up the database.



Daniel-Constantin Mierla

SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

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