Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:

> By using ".", the presence server will create a new e-tag, right? It is 
> not an update to an existing presence document, but creation of a new
> one.

yes, it is considered a new presence document, which replaces an old one
if any.  same as if a single ua crashes and is restarted: it will issue
a publish without etag.

> Perhaps the best would be to me able to control this matching, to force 
> or not when etag is present. From code point of view, even there is no 
> record in PUA matching the etag, the publish is sent and added in PUA 
> table only in case of 200ok. So, if there is no etag match on server 
> side, then the return code should be 412 (iirc atm), so no new record 
> added in pua.

yes, error code should be returned if an etag is present in publish,
which does not match what presence server expects.

> All seemed to be fine, anyhow, ultimately we can leave the patch for 3.3 
> if you don't need it and nobody else wants it for the moment -- I can 
> upload it on tracker for availability.

if others don't have other opinions, lets put the patch on hold.

-- juha

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