В Fri, 19 Apr 2013 14:46:00 +0200
"Olle E. Johansson" <o...@edvina.net> пишет:

> We will certainly look into this. There are trainings, but no books
> and very few guides on the web. Please feel free to contribute,
> after all it is Open Source and we depend on community
> contributions in order to get documentation written.

OK, i think any function need examples. Not for call only, but for use


I see in doc:

radius_load_callee_avps("$rU@$rd");     # take callee from Request-URI

I call this function, but where are results? How can i check errors, where i 
must look results? In which avps?

  JID: coy...@bks.tv
  JID: coy...@bryansktel.ru
  I use FREE operation system: 3.8.4-calculate GNU/Linux

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