Well, not many relevant changes were done for quite some time to core
components, so those should be very stable, but it happened that we
discovered bugs even after more than 5 years, because they can be
triggered by corner cases that don't show up.

Then, we get always new modules, those take time to get more mature --
the case of issues caught in tsilo or cnxcc modules for example.

The hard part is that people don't use the latest version in same
release series, which has only fixes compared with previous version in
same series. It doesn't require config or database changes to upgrade.

There were a bunch of issue reported now that summer holidays are over,
not first time having more activity in this respect, only 2-3 are still
unknown, however, reported from single sources, so not something very
common situation, I guess.


On 11/09/15 16:07, Gary Wallis wrote:
> Is Kamailio getting too complicated? Trying to do everything?
> Kind regards,
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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Book: SIP Routing With Kamailio - http://www.asipto.com
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