Thanks a lot Franz.

Observed few issues even after changes done in /etc/bind.

Please find the below Errors in each interfaces and also find the
attachment of /var/log/syslog(not shared full logs)

Could you please help me here to proceed further.

HSS – Configured IP :

root@server:~# ./ – Configured IP :

Building Classpath

Classpath is

2016-01-21 14:07:07,876 INFO  de.fhg.fokus.hss.main.TomcatServer -
startTomcat Tomcat-Server is started.

2016-01-21 14:07:12,462 WARN  org.apache.catalina.connector.MapperListener
- registerEngine Unknown default host:

2016-01-21 14:07:16,578 INFO  de.fhg.fokus.hss.web.servlet.ResponseFilter -
init Response Filter Initialisation!

2016-01-21 14:07:17,966 INFO  de.fhg.fokus.hss.main.TomcatServer -
startTomcat WebConsole of FHoSS was started !

2016-01-21 14:08:21,200 WARN  com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.BasicResourcePool
- run com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.BasicResourcePool$AcquireTask@1670988b --
Acquisition Attempt Failed!!! Clearing pending acquires. While trying to
acquire a needed new resource, we failed to succeed more than the maximum
number of allowed acquisition attempts (60). Last acquisition attempt

com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure due to
underlying exception:


MESSAGE: Connection refused

STACKTRACE: Connection refused

PCSCF – Configured IP :

root@server:~# kamailio -f /usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio-pcscf.cfg

loading modules under config path: /usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/

0(2352) INFO: <core> [sctp_core.c:75]: sctp_core_check_support(): SCTP API
not enabled - if you want to use it, load sctp module

Listening on

             udp: pcscf.net1.test []:4060


             *: pcscf.net1.test:*

WARNING: no fork mode

0(2352) INFO: rr [../outbound/api.h:54]: ob_load_api(): Failed to import

0(2352) INFO: rr [rr_mod.c:174]: mod_init(): outbound module not available

0(2352) INFO: ims_usrloc_pcscf [hslot.c:62]: ul_init_locks(): locks array
size 512

0(2352) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:150]: probe_max_receive_buffer():
SO_RCVBUF is initially 212992

0(2352) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:200]: probe_max_receive_buffer():
SO_RCVBUF is finally 425984

0(2352) WARNING: ims_usrloc_pcscf [usrloc_db.c:59]: connect_db(): DB
connection already open... continuing

^C^C 0(2352) NOTICE: <core> [main.c:683]: handle_sigs(): Thank you for
flying kamailio!!!

1(2373) INFO: <core> [main.c:798]: sig_usr(): signal 15 received

2(2374) INFO: <core> [main.c:798]: sig_usr(): signal 15 received

0(2352) INFO: <core> [sctp_core.c:53]: sctp_core_destroy(): SCTP API not

ICSCF – Configured IP :

root@server:~# kamailio -f /usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio-icscf.cfg

loading modules under config path: /usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/

0(2353) INFO: <core> [sctp_core.c:75]: sctp_core_check_support(): SCTP API
not enabled - if you want to use it, load sctp module

Listening on

             udp: icscf.net1.test []:5060


             *: icscf.net1.test:*

WARNING: no fork mode

0(2353) INFO: rr [../outbound/api.h:54]: ob_load_api(): Failed to import

0(2353) INFO: rr [rr_mod.c:174]: mod_init(): outbound module not available

0(2353) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:150]: probe_max_receive_buffer():
SO_RCVBUF is initially 212992

0(2353) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:200]: probe_max_receive_buffer():
SO_RCVBUF is finally 425984

0(2353) INFO: cdp [mod.c:227]: cdp_child_init(): CDiameterPeer child
starting ...

0(2353) INFO: cdp [mod.c:229]: cdp_child_init(): ... CDiameterPeer child

10(2370) INFO: cdp [timer.c:205]: timer_process(): Timer process starting

6(2366) INFO: cdp [worker.c:331]: worker_process(): [3] Worker process

7(2367) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:445]: receiver_process(): receiver_process():
[] Receiver process doing init on new process...

7(2367) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:450]: receiver_process(): receiver_process():
[] Receiver process starting up...

8(2368) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:445]: receiver_process(): receiver_process():
[hss.net1.test] Receiver process doing init on new process...

8(2368) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:183]: add_serviced_peer():
add_serviced_peer(): Adding serviced_peer_t to receiver for peer

9(2369) INFO: cdp [acceptor.c:82]: acceptor_process(): Acceptor process
starting up...

9(2369) WARNING: cdp [tcp_accept.c:123]: create_socket(): create_socket():
Trying to open/bind/listen on port 3869

9(2369) WARNING: cdp [tcp_accept.c:148]: create_socket(): create_socket():
Successful socket open/bind/listen on port 3869

9(2369) INFO: cdp [acceptor.c:96]: acceptor_process(): Acceptor opened
sockets. Entering accept loop ...

8(2368) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:450]: receiver_process(): receiver_process():
[hss.net1.test] Receiver process starting up...

10(2370) INFO: cdp [peermanager.c:280]: peer_timer(): peer_timer(): Peer
hss.net1.test  State 0

10(2370) INFO: cdp [peerstatemachine.c:526]: I_Snd_Conn_Req():
I_Snd_Conn_Req(): Peer hss.net1.test

10(2370) WARNING: cdp [receiver.c:864]: peer_connect(): peer_connect():
Trying to connect to port 3868

10(2370) WARNING: cdp [receiver.c:911]: peer_connect(): peer_connect():
Error opening connection to to port 3868 >Connection refused

10(2370) INFO: cdp [peermanager.c:280]: peer_timer(): peer_timer(): Peer
hss.net1.test  State 0

10(2370) INFO: cdp [peerstatemachine.c:526]: I_Snd_Conn_Req():
I_Snd_Conn_Req(): Peer hss.net1.test

10(2370) WARNING: cdp [receiver.c:864]: peer_connect(): peer_connect():
Trying to connect to port 3868

10(2370) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:932]: peer_connect(): peer_connect(): Peer
hss.net1.test:3868 connected

10(2370) INFO: cdp [peermanager.c:280]: peer_timer(): peer_timer(): Peer
hss.net1.test  State 6

10(2370) WARNING: cdp [peermanager.c:315]: peer_timer(): Inactivity on peer
[hss.net1.test], sending DWR... - if we don't get a reply, the peer will be

8(2368) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:802]: receive_loop(): select_recv():
[hss.net1.test] read on socket [14] returned 0 > ... dropping

8(2368) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:219]: disconnect_serviced_peer():
drop_serviced_peer(): [hss.net1.test] Disconnecting from peer

^C10(2370) INFO: <core> [main.c:798]: sig_usr(): signal 2 received

0(2353) ALERT: <core> [main.c:725]: handle_sigs(): child process 2361
exited normally, status=0

0(2353) INFO: <core> [main.c:740]: handle_sigs(): dont_fork turned on,
living on

0(2353) NOTICE: <core> [main.c:683]: handle_sigs(): Thank you for flying

2(2362) INFO: <core> [main.c:798]: sig_usr(): signal 15 received

0(2353) INFO: cdp [mod.c:242]: cdp_exit(): CDiameterPeer child stopping ...

0(2353) INFO: cdp [diameter_peer.c:428]: diameter_peer_destroy():
destroy_diameter_peer(): Terminating all children...

0(2353) INFO: cdp [diameter_peer.c:435]: diameter_peer_destroy():
destroy_diameter_peer(): Waiting for child [2370] to terminate...

0(2353) INFO: cdp [diameter_peer.c:447]: diameter_peer_destroy():
destroy_diameter_peer(): All processes terminated. Cleaning up.

0(2353) INFO: cdp [worker.c:140]: worker_destroy(): Unlocking workers
waiting on empty queue...

0(2353) INFO: cdp [worker.c:143]: worker_destroy(): Unlocking workers
waiting on full queue...

0(2353) CRITICAL: cdp [diameter_peer.c:487]: diameter_peer_destroy():
destroy_diameter_peer(): Bye Bye from C Diameter Peer test

0(2353) INFO: cdp [mod.c:244]: cdp_exit(): ... CDiameterPeer child stoped

0(2353) INFO: <core> [sctp_core.c:53]: sctp_core_destroy(): SCTP API not

SCSCF – Configured IP :

root@server:/etc# kamailio -f /usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio-scscf.cfg

loading modules under config path: /usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/

0(2371) INFO: <core> [sctp_core.c:75]: sctp_core_check_support(): SCTP API
not enabled - if you want to use it, load sctp module

Listening on

             udp: scscf.net1.test []:6060


             *: scscf.net1.test:*

WARNING: no fork mode

0(2371) INFO: rr [../outbound/api.h:54]: ob_load_api(): Failed to import

0(2371) INFO: rr [rr_mod.c:174]: mod_init(): outbound module not available

0(2371) INFO: ims_usrloc_scscf [hslot.c:69]: ul_init_locks(): locks array
size 512

0(2371) INFO: ims_usrloc_scscf [hslot_sp.c:67]: subs_init_locks(): locks
array size 512

0(2371) INFO: ims_usrloc_scscf [contact_hslot.c:67]: init_contacts_locks():
locks array size 512

0(2371) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:150]: probe_max_receive_buffer():
SO_RCVBUF is initially 212992

0(2371) INFO: <core> [udp_server.c:200]: probe_max_receive_buffer():
SO_RCVBUF is finally 425984

0(2371) INFO: cdp [mod.c:227]: cdp_child_init(): CDiameterPeer child
starting ...

0(2371) INFO: cdp [mod.c:229]: cdp_child_init(): ... CDiameterPeer child

3(2381) INFO: cdp [worker.c:331]: worker_process(): [0] Worker process

4(2382) INFO: cdp [worker.c:331]: worker_process(): [1] Worker process

5(2383) INFO: cdp [worker.c:331]: worker_process(): [2] Worker process

7(2390) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:445]: receiver_process(): receiver_process():
[] Receiver process doing init on new process...

7(2390) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:450]: receiver_process(): receiver_process():
[] Receiver process starting up...

8(2392) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:445]: receiver_process(): receiver_process():
[hss.net1.test] Receiver process doing init on new process...

8(2392) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:183]: add_serviced_peer():
add_serviced_peer(): Adding serviced_peer_t to receiver for peer

8(2392) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:450]: receiver_process(): receiver_process():
[hss.net1.test] Receiver process starting up...

9(2393) INFO: cdp [acceptor.c:82]: acceptor_process(): Acceptor process
starting up...

9(2393) WARNING: cdp [tcp_accept.c:123]: create_socket(): create_socket():
Trying to open/bind/listen on port 3870

9(2393) WARNING: cdp [tcp_accept.c:148]: create_socket(): create_socket():
Successful socket open/bind/listen on port 3870

9(2393) INFO: cdp [acceptor.c:96]: acceptor_process(): Acceptor opened
sockets. Entering accept loop ...

10(2394) INFO: cdp [timer.c:205]: timer_process(): Timer process starting

10(2394) INFO: cdp [peermanager.c:280]: peer_timer(): peer_timer(): Peer
hss.net1.test  State 0

10(2394) INFO: cdp [peerstatemachine.c:526]: I_Snd_Conn_Req():
I_Snd_Conn_Req(): Peer hss.net1.test

10(2394) WARNING: cdp [receiver.c:864]: peer_connect(): peer_connect():
Trying to connect to port 3868

10(2394) WARNING: cdp [receiver.c:911]: peer_connect(): peer_connect():
Error opening connection to to port 3868 >Connection refused

10(2394) INFO: cdp [peermanager.c:280]: peer_timer(): peer_timer(): Peer
hss.net1.test  State 0

10(2394) INFO: cdp [peerstatemachine.c:526]: I_Snd_Conn_Req():
I_Snd_Conn_Req(): Peer hss.net1.test

10(2394) WARNING: cdp [receiver.c:864]: peer_connect(): peer_connect():
Trying to connect to port 3868

10(2394) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:932]: peer_connect(): peer_connect(): Peer
hss.net1.test:3868 connected

10(2394) INFO: cdp [peermanager.c:280]: peer_timer(): peer_timer(): Peer
hss.net1.test  State 6

10(2394) WARNING: cdp [peermanager.c:315]: peer_timer(): Inactivity on peer
[hss.net1.test], sending DWR... - if we don't get a reply, the peer will be

10(2394) INFO: cdp [peermanager.c:280]: peer_timer(): peer_timer(): Peer
hss.net1.test  State 6

8(2392) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:802]: receive_loop(): select_recv():
[hss.net1.test] read on socket [15] returned 0 > ... dropping

8(2392) INFO: cdp [receiver.c:219]: disconnect_serviced_peer():
drop_serviced_peer(): [hss.net1.test] Disconnecting from peer

10(2394) INFO: cdp [peermanager.c:280]: peer_timer(): peer_timer(): Peer
hss.net1.test  State 0

10(2394) INFO: cdp [peerstatemachine.c:526]: I_Snd_Conn_Req():
I_Snd_Conn_Req(): Peer hss.net1.test

10(2394) WARNING: cdp [receiver.c:864]: peer_connect(): peer_connect():
Trying to connect to port 3868

10(2394) WARNING: cdp [receiver.c:911]: peer_connect(): peer_connect():
Error opening connection to to port 3868 >Connection refused

^C11(2398) INFO: <core> [main.c:798]: sig_usr(): signal 2 received

9(2393) INFO: <core> [main.c:798]: sig_usr(): signal 2 received

0(2371) ALERT: <core> [main.c:725]: handle_sigs(): child process 2381
exited normally, status=0

0(2371) INFO: <core> [main.c:740]: handle_sigs(): dont_fork turned on,
living on

0(2371) NOTICE: <core> [main.c:683]: handle_sigs(): Thank you for flying

10(2394) INFO: <core> [main.c:798]: sig_usr(): signal 15 received

0(2371) INFO: cdp [mod.c:242]: cdp_exit(): CDiameterPeer child stopping ...

On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 2:16 AM, Franz Edler <>

> Hi,
> you can see the first error is a database error:
> ERROR: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:124]: db_mysql_new_connection(): driver
> error: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'server.net1.test' (111)
> This error I expected because you have to adapt the access permissions to
> the database.
> Just check the GRANT statements in my log-file and try to understand what
> they do. Then adapt it accordingly.
> BR Franz
> *From:* Ramya Y []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 20, 2016 2:19 PM
> *To:*; Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List <
> *Subject:* Re: [SR-Users] Kamailio IMS deployment
> Hi Franz
> we have tried with different
> interfaces(eth0(,eth1(,eth2(,eth3(
>  for P/I/S ,but facing below error.
> root@server:/etc# kamailio -f /usr/local/etc/kamailio/kamailio-pcscf.cfg
> loading modules under config path: /usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/
> 0(1630) INFO: <core> [sctp_core.c:75]: sctp_core_check_support(): SCTP API
> not enabled - if you want to use it, load sctp module
> Listening on
>              udp: pcscf.net1.test []:4060
> Aliases:
>              *: pcscf.net1.test:*
> WARNING: no fork mode
> 0(1630) INFO: rr [../outbound/api.h:54]: ob_load_api(): Failed to import
> bind_ob
> 0(1630) INFO: rr [rr_mod.c:174]: mod_init(): outbound module not available
> 0(1630) INFO: ims_usrloc_pcscf [hslot.c:62]: ul_init_locks(): locks array
> size 512
> 0(1630) ERROR: db_mysql [km_my_con.c:124]: db_mysql_new_connection():
> driver error: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'server.net1.test' (111)
> 0(1630) ERROR: <core> [db.c:318]: db_do_init2(): could not add connection
> to the pool 0(1630) ERROR: ims_usrloc_pcscf [usrloc_db.c:79]: init_db():
> unable to connect to the database
> 0(1630) ERROR: ims_usrloc_pcscf [ul_mod.c:203]: mod_init(): Error
> initializing db connection
> 0(1630) ERROR: <core> [sr_module.c:962]: init_mod(): Error while
> initializing module ims_usrloc_pcscf
> (/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/
> ERROR: error while initializing modules
> 0(1630) INFO: <core> [sctp_core.c:53]: sctp_core_destroy(): SCTP API not
> initialize
> could you please help me how to proceed further,
> steps followed:
> ===========
> 1)Modified at - /etc/network/interfaces:
> created eth1,eth2,eth3 for P/I/S-CSCF.
> Interfaces are up.
> 2)Added Bind address at /etc/mysql/my.cnf
> bind-address
> bind-address
> bind-address
> bind-address
> 3)Modified at /etc/bind/
> $ORIGIN net1.test.
> $TTL 1W
> @                       1D IN SOA       serverkde. root.net1.test (
>                                         2010081401   ; Serial YYYYMMDDXX
>                                         3H           ; refresh
>                                         15M          ; retry
>                                         1W           ; expiry
>                                         1D )         ; minimum
>                         1D IN NS        server
> server
>                                               1D IN A
> hss                     1D IN CNAME     server
> as1                     1D IN CNAME     server
> as2                     1D IN CNAME     server
> xcap                    1D IN CNAME     server
> server1
>                                               1D IN A
> pcscf                   1D IN CNAME     server1
> server2
>                                               1D IN A
> icscf                   1D IN CNAME     server2
> server3
>                                               1D IN A
> scscf                   1D IN CNAME     server3
> 4)Modified at /etc/bind/
> $TTL    86400
> @       IN      SOA     server. root.net2.test  (
>                                       2010081401   ; Serial YYYYMMDDXX
>                                       28800        ; Refresh
>                                       14400        ; Retry
>                                       3600000      ; Expire
>                                       86400 )      ; Minimum
>                         IN      NS      server.net1.test.
>                         IN      NS      server1.net1.test.
>                         IN      NS      server2.net1.test.
>                         IN      NS      server3.net1.test.
> 10             IN      PTR     notebook.net1.test.
> 9                      IN      PTR     server.net1.test.
> 7                      IN      PTR     server.net2.test.
> 5)Modified at /etc/resolve.conf
> domain net1.test
>   search net1.test
>   nameserver server.net1.test
>   nameserver server1.net1.test
>   nameserver server2.net1.test
>   nameserver server3.net1.test
> 6)Modified at /etc/hosts
>       localhost
>    server.net1.test  server
>   server1.net1.test  server1
>   server2.net1.test  server2
>   server3.net1.test  server3
>    net1.test
>   pcscf.net1.test
>   icscf.net1.test
>   scscf.net1.test
> Thanks,
> Ramyasri.
> On Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 5:33 PM, Franz Edler <
>> wrote:
> Fine. This exactly was my intention.
> BR Franz
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: sr-users [] On Behalf
> Of
> > Vasiliy Ganchev
> > Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 9:08 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [SR-Users] Kamailio IMS deployment
> >
> > Hi Franz!
> >
> > Thanks for sharing! Great job, end excellent materials to get started
> with
> > students (beside my main work I also teach students in Odessa National
> > Academy of Telecommunication).
> > I was looking for some "light" way how to start with real deployment of
> IMS,
> > not pure theory, and this is just the kind I wanted!
> >
> > Will try your deploy in education process this year. (will share the
> results in
> > the end)
> >
> > Cheers!
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > View this message in context: http://sip-
> >
> > tp143593p144517.html
> > Sent from the Users mailing list archive at
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
> sr-
> >
> > bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
> _______________________________________________
> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

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